A life insurer who wants you to be healthy?


It seems kind of obvious doesn’t it that your life insurer has a vested interest in keeping you alive! Relatively recently a life insurer has entered the market who are aiming themselves squarely at those who want to stay or get fit and healthy. Their offering makes them difficult to compare to other providers purely […]

Financial Planning – Free Initial Consultation

7 Financial Planning Steps

Financial Planning is our premier service and is for people who are serious about taking control of their money. Is that you? The Financial planning process covers all aspects of your financial life. Accept my help to construct your financial plan you will experience many benefits; You will define your financial goals. You will discover […]

The Cancer Lottery

Lottery Money Pot

Apparently, 32 million people play the lottery in the UK each week and on average they buy three tickets each.1 That’s an amazing statistic when you consider the astronomical odds of winning the jackpot, the odds of winning the main lotto draw are almost 14 million to 1! It’s even 57 to 1 to win […]

Critical Illness Story

As I am sure you are probably aware from my past posts on this blog I am a big advocate for critical illness insurance, but perhaps the best evidence for the value of Critical Illness is the story of people who have experienced the benefits. So here I present “Elise’s Story”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeEjbMBdiMw   This […]