
Whose Products & What Services Do We Offer?

We offer mortgages from the whole market, but not deals that you can only obtain by going directly to a lender. Our service is not restricted by either provider or product type.

We offer advice on both residential purchases and remortgages as well as buy to let and commercial mortgage and remortgage.

What Will You Have To Pay For This Service?

We will advise and make a recommendation for you after we have assessed your needs.

New Customers: Will pay a fee of £200 on successful completion of your mortgage for a standard residential mortgage. A commercial or non-standard mortgage will attract an additional fee of £150. These fees are payable in addition to any procuration fee we may receive from the lender.

Existing Customers: If we have arranged a mortgage for you within the previous 10 years then the fee will be reduced by £200. Equally, if you are currently receiving an ongoing service for pensions or investments the fee will also be reduced by £200. As we have done extensive work for you before we will know a significant amount about you and thus the service is less time consuming than for a new customer. We will normally also receive a procuration fee from the lender.

As a client, you can request details of all procurement fees provided by lenders offering a regulated mortgage contract. You will receive a European Standardised Information Sheet or a Key Facts Illustration Plus when considering a particular mortgage which will tell you about any fees relating to it.

What is commercial or non-standard: We will ensure that you are advised if the non-standard fee applies before work commences, usually after your fact-find is completed. This list is not exhaustive but some examples of a ‘commercial or non-standard’ would be; Buy To Let, Let To Buy, Purchase in the name of a company or trust, adverse credit history still showing on your credit file, debt consolidation of more than 20% of the mortgage balance. Your adviser will ensure you are informed of your fee before work commences but reserve the right to come back to you should additional information come to light during the application process that would incur the additional charge.

When & How Will You Have To Pay For This Service?

We offer a ‘no completion no fee’ guarantee so your mortgage fee is only payable upon successful completion of your mortgage.
