Epic Games Pension Unification Special Offer


As you know following the launch of a new pension scheme by Epic Games group of companies in the UK you have the opportunity to transfer your existing pension plan over to the new provider free of charge, and Epic has put together some fact sheets that you should have had a copy of to help you decide.

In the event that you feel that you need personalised financial advice then as we know the Epic situation in great detail already we are prepared to provide that advice via a streamlined process at significantly reduced cost over our normal pension switching advice charges.

The Offer

If you ask us for advice on this matter;

  • We look at whether in your specific case you should or should not transfer your existing Epic pension in to the new one
  • Whether you should consolidate any other pensions you may have in to the new Epic pension (if you ask us to)
  • Whether a private arrangment would be better for your existing funds
  • Assess your risk position and recommend a fund from our advice recommendation.
  • Give you a projection of 

Our usual charge for this sort of work is 2% of the pension fund value subject to a minimum fee of £1,500, with additional fees for extra schemes. Full details of our standard charges can be found at https://bloomfieldfinancial.co.uk/services/pensions-and-retirement.

As part of this special – limited time – offer, we can look at your Epic arrangemnet for a fixed price of £750, and if you want any additional ‘standard’ schemes looked at then we can add those on also for a fixed fee of £175 per additional ‘standard scheme’ – we’ll tell you very quickly if the scheme isn’t standard.

Fees can usually, but not always, be collected from your pension pot rather than from you directly where this suits you.

The Process

If you decide that you want our help;

First step is to fill in the form at the bottom of this page. Then we will review the form usually with one working day and send you an email the next day with the next steps, first we will ask you to fill in some forms online to authorise us to get information on your behalf and build a picture of your wider financial circumstances. Once these have been completed we will arrange an online meeting to discuss your general finances, clarify objectives, clarify questions you may have and agree what the best outcome looks like for you personally. Then we will carry out our research and analysis with your circumstances in mind. Once we have formulated ‘optimum advice’ we will then arrange another meeting online to make our recomendations. At that meeting we will then agree the way forward and if any administration is needed to make that happen we will carry it out.


Important Info: Mortgages

Please remember your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

We give clients the option to pay for mortgage advice by fee rather than commission.

The FCA does not regulate all Buy to Let mortgages.

Important Info: Regulations

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate, Will Writing, Buy to Let Mortgages, Tax Advice and Estate Planning.

Tax rules can change at any time.

Important Info: Investments

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise.

Your capital at risk. Investments can fluctuate in value and investors may not get the amount back they invest.