Do you buy free range eggs?

A bowl of eggsIf you do you are part of a growing number of people who exercise ethical choices when spending their money. As we live in a capitalist society using your spending power to change the world is a pretty good long term strategy, so good on you.

But I have to ask do you also make ethical choices with your investments and your pension? Often it’s something people don’t give a second thought, but the investments you make can have a significant ethical undercurrent if you so desire.

When I run through a client’s information with them as part of my advice process, I always ask ‘Do you have any religious or ethical requirements of your investment?’ the vast majority of people reply no. I’m quite interested in ethical investing on a personal level but it is certainly not for me to push my beliefs on to a client – but I think it is fair enough to talk about them in a blog post!


If you looked at the companies that your pension or investment fund have bought in to with your money would you be happy? According to a leading fund research tool, the most popular investment fund in the last year (based on the number of times their fact sheets have been viewed) is the Invesco Perpetual High-Income fund, a glance at the top 10 companies shows, 2 tobacco companies, 3 pharmaceutical companies, 2 companies involved in weapons manufacture, a telecoms company, a business admin company and a household chemical manufacturer.

It makes you think about how your money is being used, there are a lot of different ways of investing ‘ethically’ if you would like to talk about the ethics of your investments just drop me a line.

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Important Info: Investments

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise.

Your capital at risk. Investments can fluctuate in value and investors may not get the amount back they invest.

Important Info: Mortgages

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The FCA does not regulate all Buy to Let mortgages.

Important Info: Regulations

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate, Will Writing, Buy to Let Mortgages, Tax Advice and Estate Planning.

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