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At Bloomfield Financial our primary aim is to help you make sense of your finances so that you can make the best deciscions possible both now and  in the future.

We have tried to put as much information on this webiste as possible to explain what we can do for you and what it costs as we believe strongly in being transparrent in all things.

If you can't find the information you are looking for then please don't hesitate to give us a call on 0191 406 6453 or drop an email to

John & Dee Bloomfield

You do not need to justify your purchases but....

Rolex watch

If you want to buy a £5,000 watch or sign up to a £60 per month mobile phone contract to get the latest must-have smartphone, then that is your business. You don’t have to tell me, yourself or anyone else that you ‘need’ the items you buy. Logical justification is not necessary you only get one shot at this life and having nice things because you derive some form of pleasure or enjoyment from them is completely natural and not something that requires any form of logical justification.


I have become convinced that most people are optimists, at odds of over 13 million to 1 they continue to buy lottery tickets, while with odds of 3 to 1 they will have cancer they do not take the necessary steps to protect their families from the financial consequences. - John Bloomfield Financial Adviser, Bloomfield Financial.

Life & Critical Illness Insurance: Protecting Your Loved Ones

Along with the devastating emotional effect that diagnosis of a critical illness or premature death can cause there is also often a devastating financial effect.

The responsible thing to do for all adults who have people that depend on us is, of course, to arrange appropriate insurance so that if the unthinkable becomes reality, money is one less thing to worry about.

John J BloomfieldMy name is John and I have been a financial adviser most of my adult life, having experienced first hand the devastation of a loved one being diagnosed with a critical illness back in 2012 when my wife was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis I truly understand the benefit of being properly insured.

I don't believe that anyone should have to go on to a comparison website and guess at how much cover they and attempt to get a quote. Insurance is supposed to provide peace of mind you need to know that you have the right type, at the right price, that it has been set up correctly ao that ultimately if you need to claim you have no problems.

I am a fully qualified financial adviser, I am not in a call centre sat at a computer waiting to 'quote you' so you will not get an instant quote from me.

But if you would like personalised help and advice get the right cover at the best possible price then please fill out the form below, and I will contact you as soon as possible. 


John J Bloomfield BA (Hons), CeMAP, CeFA, CeLTM, DipPFS

Financial Adviser

P.S. If you already have the cover I will be happy to review this to see if it is the right cover at the right price for you.

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What Can I Offer That A Comparison Site Can Not?

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