Video – Your Cash Is Losing Value, and what you can do about it.
John Bloomfield Independent Financial Adviser explains the concept of inflation and how it erodes the real value of your cash and crucially what you can do about it.
What’s Your Perspective On Retirement?

When I was 16 years old my Grandad died suddenly, it was devastating for me and it took quite a long time to get over the shock. Eventually, though you start to accept these things as he was old. However, as I got older I realised he was only 66! To a 16 year old […]
The Bank of Nan and Grandad

Last year the BBC reported that the age of an average first-time property buyer was now between 27-34 depending on where in the country you happen to live. It’s not that surprising that the age has been creeping up over that last couple of decades as house prices have increased exponentially and wages haven’t it […]
When Does The Tax Year Start & End?
“Being an Employer Is Like Being A Parent”

Image by Kumar Appaiah “Being an Employer Is Like Being A Parent” is something that a client said to me in passing recently because on some levels it is very true. As a parent, you have someone who depends on you to provide for them and ensure that they have their basic needs met. As […]
5 Reasons Computer Programmers Often Have Poor Pension & Retirement Plans

Image Credit: Dave Allen Over the years I have been fortunate to work with a lot of computer programmers, I say fortunate because for the most part, we tend to be on the same wavelength (I write, html, css and php as a hobby sad I know) which makes work more pleasurable and secondly they […]
Cash ISAs Vs Equity ISAs

An ISA should be the very first point of call for anyone when starting to save or invest, but one of the first things you need to think about is do I want a Cash/Savings ISA or is an Equity/Investment ISA the most suitable for me. The answer isn’t as technically complicated as you might […]
Under-performing ISA?

Potential clients often approach me about their existing ISA investments with comments along the lines of; “My ISA portfolio is underperforming I would like to transfer it to another one” it’s a loaded question and one that I’m sure I could acquire loads of new clients from if I just replied “OK” Unfortunately like most […]
As Cheap As Chips!
At the weekend my wife and I drove up to Amble on the Northumberland coast for an impromptu trip out. While at the seaside we indulged in the customary fish and chips prompted by the sea air and the smell wafting at us from a seaside cafe. Bizarrely this got me thinking about inflation! Inflation […]