Autumn Budget 2024: What You Need to Know for Your Finances


In our recent YouTube Live session, John broke down the key points of the Autumn Budget from his perspective as an Independent Financial Adviser and what they mean for your financial planning. Instead of focusing on the politics or headlines, John provided actionable insights to help you optimize your strategy. Key Topics Covered: Why reacting […]

What’s Your Perspective On Retirement?

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When I was 16 years old my Grandad died suddenly, it was devastating for me and it took quite a long time to get over the shock. Eventually, though you start to accept these things as he was old. However, as I got older I realised he was only 66! To a 16 year old […]

5 Reasons Computer Programmers Often Have Poor Pension & Retirement Plans

Computer Programmer At Work

Image Credit: Dave Allen Over the years I have been fortunate to work with a lot of computer programmers, I say fortunate because for the most part, we tend to be on the same wavelength (I write, html, css and php as a hobby sad I know) which makes work more pleasurable and secondly they […]

Bonus: Salary vs Pension Contribution


With recent proposals to liberalise withdrawals from pension plans at retirement, pensions have become a much more interesting subject to both employers and employees alike. When it comes around to bonus time the use of pensions rather than payments through salary can result in extra money for employees and financial savings for employers. Example. Jack […]

Will your pension be good enough?

Retirement Plan

It’s a perfectly reasonable question but not one that is not always very easy to answer, retirement planning is a very long term scenario and what that deserves regular monitoring. When you first start your pension through any adviser or company you will most likely have received an ‘illustration’ sometimes mistakenly referred to as a […]