Autumn Budget 2024: What You Need to Know for Your Finances


In our recent YouTube Live session, John broke down the key points of the Autumn Budget from his perspective as an Independent Financial Adviser and what they mean for your financial planning. Instead of focusing on the politics or headlines, John provided actionable insights to help you optimize your strategy. Key Topics Covered: Why reacting […]

Why We Re-Balance Investment Portfolios?

Gymnast On Balance Beam

Re-Balancing of investment portfolios can to many amateur investments seem counter intuitive. If you’re not familiar with the concept re-balancing an investment portfolio is the act of returning the funds held back to the proportions in which they were originally purchased. So imagine you have a portfolio of just 2 funds. Fund A and Fund […]

Video – Our In House Investment Portfolios Explained

Here at Bloomfield Financial we have for sometime offered our clients our in house portfolios within both pensions and investments, we have a PDF guide explaining the portfolios and how they work that we have been using an awful lot during the pandemic but I thought for many people a video where I explain them […]

The Christmas Hangover….debt!

Discarded Christmas Tree

  Christmas is over and done with for another year and the tree has been taken down in the Bloomfield Household. It was a lovely Christmas seeing the children open their presents and get excited at all the lovely new toys they had received. The shopping was predominantly done by me this year and to […]

The Bank of Nan and Grandad

Bank Of Nan and Grandad

Last year the BBC  reported that the age of an average first-time property buyer was now between 27-34 depending on where in the country you happen to live. It’s not that surprising that the age has been creeping up over that last couple of decades as house prices have increased exponentially and wages haven’t it […]

What is a wealth platform?

What is a wealth platform

You have probably heard the term ‘wealth platform’ in recent times the term is often used interchangeably with other terms such as ‘fund supermarket’ and ‘wrap’ but rarely is an explanation given to the reader of what a ‘wealth platform’ actually is. Perhaps this is understandable as they are indeed a relatively modern invention and […]

Financial Planning – Free Initial Consultation

7 Financial Planning Steps

Financial Planning is our premier service and is for people who are serious about taking control of their money. Is that you? The Financial planning process covers all aspects of your financial life. Accept my help to construct your financial plan you will experience many benefits; You will define your financial goals. You will discover […]

An ISA is not a product!

Shopping Bag ISA

In this time known to financial advisers as ISA season, I hear a lot of people who don’t normally talk finance talking about ISAs and generally have little interest in financial planning. A very smart man just said to me earlier this evening – “A guy on the radio said I should buy an ISA […]